Saturday, January 12, 2013

When gentlemen are gentlemen, ladies notice...

In some ways, the Europeans are more well-mannered than the Americans.

French ladies tend to wear skirts and very few people walk outside in their pajamas or sports clothes.  All the teachers instruct the students to say hello to me (individually) before class because it's a sign of politeness.  I have never seen a French child running through a store screaming (or screaming in public period).

The French teach their kids well: the other day I saw a daddy and his cute little girl (probably around 4-5) crossing a big intersection (with the tram) and like a typical French person, he started to cross the street while the light was still red.  The little girl didn't move and told him they couldn't cross yet--so. adorable.

On Thursday I went to visit a preschool (école maternelle) for a special one week project I'm doing (AHHH those babies are so cute!  They are babies too--ages 2.5 to 6 years old).  The other two assistants that are participating in the project are dudes from Italy and Spain--and they're super gentlemanly.  For instance, as we were touring the school, they would open all the doors for me and the other teachers and stand to the side so that we could pass in front of them going through doors and sitting down.  Not much, but to a girl who has had countless doors slammed in front of her face by American jocks, it felt really quite civilized.

La bise.  At first it creeped me out, but now I think it's quite sweet.   For those of you who do not have a French vocabulary, la bise is that kissing thing the French do when they greet each other: you do right cheeks first then left, lightly touching cheek to cheek and making a kissing sound--though some people actually smooch each cheek which can get a bit slobbery with a whole group.  I prefer the delicate, more elegant method.  When my teachers give me la bise I feel like I'm more integrated into society (they shook my hands at first).  Too bad it doesn't fly in America--I'm going to miss going to a social gathering and getting smooched by half a dozen cute French guys in rapid succession.  Ok, it doesn't happen that often...but it does happen :)

Living life in Lorraine...ça vous plaît?
