Monday, October 8, 2012

What a week!


This past week was orientation (as you can probably tell from my last post!)

Wednesdays, for some reason, no one has school--I'm beginning to think that's going to be my laundry day :)

Thursday, I visited my schools (in all four different locations!)  In the last school, I was standing in the office as all the kids were coming in from recess.  One of the little girls crept up to the door, peered in and said "Bonjour?" so I said a bonjour back.  She scuttled back to her line crying "Elle est là! Elle est là!" (she is there!) Super cute--I'm a celebrity, I guess.  A teacher promptly came over and closed the door.

Friday was more orientation stuff and we had several presentations on how to do "visioconferences" via skype--it's a program for rural schools that don't have reliable public transportation for the assistants to visit them in person.  I've got three schools.

All in all, I think I'll be working with about 12 different teachers... who all use different methods...

Then, after orientation was over, I ran over to the train station to go to Verdun to visit Mary!  It rained all day Saturday, so we sat around playing cards, watching movies, talking, and playing darts.  But here's a couple of cool pictures: