Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just another day in Nancy...

I applaud people who can cook on a hot plate.  It's definitely not easy if you want to do something other than boil water.  I tried doing a variation on fried rice--sounds easy right?  Not when you can't control the temperature.  Still, it tastes great.

This week began orientation for the assistants--I finally got to meet all of the primary assistants around Nancy (quite an awesome group, if I do say so myself!)  Long story short, I'm getting one of the German assistants as my flatmate--the only language we speak in common is French, though she's excited to learn a bit more English, and I might pick up some German :)

Mary's visit was fun and interesting--we explored a bunch of parks around Nancy.  One of them actually had a free zoo in it.  Orientation yesterday took us all over the city, and at the end, Mme bought us all some croissants--because she thought we all looked nervous.  Seriously, the administrative people are super nice!

Notes of Interest:
--I've stocked some Mirabelle jam...will let you know the details when I try it :)
--Internet here is a battle all it's own...for now, I'm winning...
--The pile of paperwork is slowly becoming manageable with the magnificent help of the administrative people around here (everyone has a title, and if I could remember them all, I'd tell you)
--I received a fountain pen as a gift, minus the ink, of course (as well as a ruler with only centimeters on one side...though it wouldn't have killed them to also print inches...)
--I also received a note pad--a map of France covering every single page...not quite sure if it was vanity or not...major cities and rivers are marked.
--Trying to branch out and explore more cheeses...I'll let you know how that goes...
--If I didn't tell you before, baguettes are AMAZING
