Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas is almost here!

...and I'm super excited to be spending it with some of the coolest people on the planet!

So, what have I been doing this week?

--staring at skype for 45 minutes waiting for technological problems to cease so I could just talk to my kids :(  I don't know if I've mentioned my visioconferences that I do with rural schools...it's not worth mentioning, something always goes wrong somewhere.
--rejoicing that one of my visios was cancelled!  And, I get to go visit the school in January with another assistant--so I'm super excited!
--listening to my visios singing to me over skype "Santa claus is coming to town."  Super cute! (except for the fact that I couldn't hear the music very well and started clapping before it was over...whatevs, they forgave me.
--Ugly sweater party with the assistants....nuff said!  Another party tomorrow! woohoo!
--I have finally acquired a fountain pen. Joy abounds. Now I understand the French addiction...
--Didn't mean for this to be so far down on the list, I saw Le Hobbit: Un Voyage Inattendu :P  Luckily it was in English with subtitles (the translations were sometimes amusing!)  Sometimes we were the only ones laughing in the theater...awkward.  Some English humor is simply lost on the French :)
--Saw a French Christian music artist in concert--Julien Carton.  Check him out, he's pretty cool.  I saw another group too, but I can't remember what they were called :(
--Favorite part of the concert experience: When we got there, I couldn't hear everything the lady said--it was about a toy drive that they were doing--so I asked her to repeat and that I was American.  Then they all started practicing their English--slow French would have been better :)  It was cute.  The guys selling cds must have heard because when we went to go look at the cds, this one kid started explaining everything in English (bien effort!) and then said there wasn't anything in English...I reminded him that we spoke French--then he reexplained everything again in French.  It was fun and amusing!
--Met a young adult group at the Cathedral--and they're super awesome! And super international!  Not only did we have every continent covered (thanks to me being the North American!) we also had a bunch of Africans, and many different countries from Europe.  We had an intense discussion of Corinthians--which, let me tell you, is hard to do in French!  Then we had some potato pie thing made by the Spanish guys--it was really good, I only wish I could remember the name!

That's enough for now! Got a few more classes to teach about Christmas before I can go celebrate!
