Monday, February 18, 2013

A monumental moment

Friends, I have been living in France for five months.  And before we start breaking out the champagne and heating up the raclette machines, I just want to document what makes this day so monumental:

5 months is...
- the longest I've ever lived away from home
- the longest I've ever lived entirely by myself
- the longest I've ever lived in a foreign country
- the longest I've ever spent without seeing my parents or my brother (even my roommate noticed this one)
- the longest I've ever been completely self-sufficient (and before you get all high and mighty, remember that I'm only 22)
- the longest I've ever lived speaking another language as a primary means of communication

I could also say it's the longest I've ever gone without sunlight, but that would be ignoring the glorious weather we had today--I was almost dizzy with happiness when Mr. Sunshine finally decided to show his face!

I have friends from all over the world--something I wouldn't trade for all of Dixie.  I often surprise myself with how good my French is getting (ok, everyone has their days, even in English...) I sometimes tense up, thinking I have no idea what to say or how to say it and then come out with a new friend and an hour long conversation.

And then there are some things that can't be bought for time nor money...

À bientôt!
