Monday, January 21, 2013

Visits and Verglas

Sunday was a horrible day.

I woke up as usual to go to Mass (I love the Basilica for morning Mass!) but as I set foot outside my residence, I began to slip and slide.  The entire sidewalk was covered in a thick sheet of ice from the rain during the night.  It was worse than an ice rink.  

Did I fall?  Yes... heels over head in front of some neighbor of mine clearing away the ice--it was an otherwise empty street thank goodness--but thanks to the slanty way the French build their sidewalks, I slid right down into the street.  Go ahead, picture it... I was not amused at the time. I knew I couldn't make it as far as the basilica, so I decided to try the local parish around the corner (it's a much smaller parish without as many young people...let me clarify, no young people).  I pulled myself up the ramp (no footwork involved) and skated past some old ladies who were trying to decide if Mass had been cancelled.

After some other people who were gathered outside telephoned the priest, it became clear that the priest couldn't get to that we had to look for other options.  Getting home was even more fun--that ramp is more amusing that it seems!  I literally skated home...

I went for my second choice with was the evening Mass at the Cathedral--apparently I wasn't the only one who had a change of plans because some older lady asked me what time Mass was when I arrived in the evening.  (Note of pride: I can actually give people directions and information in French...and they trust me).

On the plus side, I stayed indoors most of the day, made tea and rice pudding and watched my neighbors hacking away at the sidewalks in front of their houses all afternoon.  By nightfall, my prayers had been answered and the path was clear to Mass.

On Friday, I visited one of my visioconference schools--I was Miss Celebrity.

I received questions such as:
-"How many kids do you have?"  I'm not even married.  To which they replied, "then you must not be an adult yet."  LOL.
-"Do you like us?"
-"Can you read French?" Yes.... and they handed me an enormous stack of cards, drawings and messages... 

Afterwards, we had Galette des Trois Rois (for my fourth time!)  Basically, it's a pastry/tart with an almond paste in the middle, and a ceramic statue hidden somewhere in it.  The youngest hides under the table and tells the person serving the tart which piece goes to whom around the table so they don't cheat to get the statue.  I won...again... The first time, I almost broke a tooth. If this keeps up, I'll have a whole Nativity scene...

Afterwards, we had our picture taken in front of the school by a journalist... though I think he was a journalist for the school... doesn't hurt to imagine :)

And today?

Despite having to get up super early, two classes were cancelled this afternoon!  Two more are cancelled this week due to some of the kids doing a snow study/activity.  Score!
