Sunday, December 30, 2012

I'm back!

Christmas was absolutely wonderful!  The group was comprised of some of the nicest guys and gals on the planet--we took this Christmas at neck-breaking speed, but I couldn't have had a better Christmas abroad :)

I can't go into details quite yet--still catching up on sleep from spending the night in Sacre Coeur!

Highlights that you will hear about:

--the ins and outs of visiting Domremy-la-Pucelle and St. Joan of Arc's house
--magnificent little restaurants in Paris :)  Though I can't take credit for this one; Jonathan was the expert
--WWI battlefields, destroyed villages, trenches
--how I got invited to a French family's house for a Christmas apperitif, which was more like a meal...
--my tour, interview, and feature article all about me and Mary and our visit to a lycée professionnel

Gotta run! Until later!
