Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Hitchhiker's Guide to...Lorraine!

I really must apologize for the lack of posting.  Internet here is terrible at night so blogger won't even load for me to write something.  Yeah, even Google won't load sometimes...

I should go into some recent facts/stories, but first, pictures from Dijon:

Bourgogne is all about wine and mustard--which my sister and I purchased in large quantities :)

Lessons that I have learned in the two months that I've been here:
--When someone tells you that there is only one train per day, believe them.
--My friends and I missed the train from Verdun, and between making frantic phone calls to the German assistant's mother, attempting to hitchhike, and asking random people for help, we found ourselves in Bar-le-duc for the day.

--When you drag a suitcase all around town with you, someone is bound to think you're foreign.  And when they find out you are, everyone else in town knows.
--Everyone in Bar-le-duc knew that we were the three foreigners wandering around town (they must have!)  Everyone was talking to us...especially the guy who owned the couscous shop where we said we'd come back for lunch, but didn't, and whom we randomly ran into in another cafe..after we had already eaten lunch.  In typical French style, we were all offered language lessons by the gentlemen in the cafe--the attitude must be learned too, because my students are just starting to try it out on me...cheeky!

Cheers for now!  Don't forget your towel!