Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I've been disconnected for a while--I didn't get internet in my apartment until yesterday evening.

But, I'm back now!!

So far, it's been raining on and off for three days--which significantly lowers my motivation to go exploring.  Today I finally ventured out again for some groceries.  I have to say, Carrefour is absolutely AMAZING!  Those people have everything--and super cheap!  So now I'm happily munching on some super cheap, but super delicious french bread--America seriously have to get its act together about bread and cheese.  This baguette is slightly crisp on the outside, delectably soft on the inside, slightly chewy and bursting with flavor--and the fills my apartment up with goodness :)

My landlady is super nice--at first when I got to my residence, there wasn't anything much in it (which I wondered about, seeing as how the internet described the kitchen as fully equipped).  After I signed the contract and everything, she took me over to a cabinet that was loaded with pots, pans, cups, glasses--all sorts of good stuff--and she asked me what I wanted.  Do I make crêpes? Here, have a crêpe pan--seriously, that's how good it was.  I think I'll be sharing all the stuff with my flatmate (when she gets here)--but there's probably enough service for four people: coffee mugs, tea cups and saucers, bowls, plats, smaller plats, serving bowls, 4 pots, 2 pans, tons of cutlery, a grater, bottle opener, 4 wine glasses, 2 regular glasses...starting to get the picture?

Plus, she also gave me a whole box of books, workbooks, worksheets, flashcards, stickers, and other stuff that a previous assistant left behind.

I've been adjusting to living in the city--though it's so much better than Paris!  Not that Paris was bad, I just value quiet at night, seclusion, and peace--and a life away from drunk people!  The other young people seem really nice--people will say "bonjour!" to me as I cross the courtyard, even when I don't know them.  As I was dragging in my big suitcase (I live on the American 4th floor, no elevator) this guy met me on the stairs and helped me carry it up--all the way!  By then I was so tired from dragging my suitcases (and helping with my sister's) through taxis and trains and all the way from the train station (mind you, I had a good 90-100 pounds of stuff with me in two suitcases and a backpack).  I'm just so grateful!

Then there's the staff--super nice.  One of the ladies at the front desk is really nice--I think she might be of Spanish origin, because she rolls her "r"s--and she also speaks a little English.  So between her accent in French and English, and my inadequate mumblings, we somehow get through!  My landlady did compliment me on my French, saying that most Americans that she gets just give her a dumb stare when she asks them questions--I felt dumb for not understanding everything she said, but I got the majority, so hey, not doing too bad!

Phew! That was long! That's all for now!

God is good!!
