Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I've been disconnected for a while--I didn't get internet in my apartment until yesterday evening.

But, I'm back now!!

So far, it's been raining on and off for three days--which significantly lowers my motivation to go exploring.  Today I finally ventured out again for some groceries.  I have to say, Carrefour is absolutely AMAZING!  Those people have everything--and super cheap!  So now I'm happily munching on some super cheap, but super delicious french bread--America seriously have to get its act together about bread and cheese.  This baguette is slightly crisp on the outside, delectably soft on the inside, slightly chewy and bursting with flavor--and the fills my apartment up with goodness :)

My landlady is super nice--at first when I got to my residence, there wasn't anything much in it (which I wondered about, seeing as how the internet described the kitchen as fully equipped).  After I signed the contract and everything, she took me over to a cabinet that was loaded with pots, pans, cups, glasses--all sorts of good stuff--and she asked me what I wanted.  Do I make crêpes? Here, have a crêpe pan--seriously, that's how good it was.  I think I'll be sharing all the stuff with my flatmate (when she gets here)--but there's probably enough service for four people: coffee mugs, tea cups and saucers, bowls, plats, smaller plats, serving bowls, 4 pots, 2 pans, tons of cutlery, a grater, bottle opener, 4 wine glasses, 2 regular glasses...starting to get the picture?

Plus, she also gave me a whole box of books, workbooks, worksheets, flashcards, stickers, and other stuff that a previous assistant left behind.

I've been adjusting to living in the city--though it's so much better than Paris!  Not that Paris was bad, I just value quiet at night, seclusion, and peace--and a life away from drunk people!  The other young people seem really nice--people will say "bonjour!" to me as I cross the courtyard, even when I don't know them.  As I was dragging in my big suitcase (I live on the American 4th floor, no elevator) this guy met me on the stairs and helped me carry it up--all the way!  By then I was so tired from dragging my suitcases (and helping with my sister's) through taxis and trains and all the way from the train station (mind you, I had a good 90-100 pounds of stuff with me in two suitcases and a backpack).  I'm just so grateful!

Then there's the staff--super nice.  One of the ladies at the front desk is really nice--I think she might be of Spanish origin, because she rolls her "r"s--and she also speaks a little English.  So between her accent in French and English, and my inadequate mumblings, we somehow get through!  My landlady did compliment me on my French, saying that most Americans that she gets just give her a dumb stare when she asks them questions--I felt dumb for not understanding everything she said, but I got the majority, so hey, not doing too bad!

Phew! That was long! That's all for now!

God is good!!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012


So...what should I talk about first?  The phone fiasco, getting lost, or the catacombs?

Ok, I'll start with the phone.  First, I must say that I'm slightly proud of myself for buying a phone card in French without any major glitches, or the dude behind the counter looking at me like I'm a weirdo speaking a language from another planet.

That being said, I am not proud of myself for conducting the transaction with very few words and a lot of pointing :p  I did, in fact, comprehend most of what the guy said, even if all I could do in response was shrug, point, and nod.

Another disclaimer: it is very easy to get lost in Paris if you believe your destination is to the East of where you are, when it really lies to the West.  Lesson learned.  We went all the way around a bunch of streets and then wound up in the same place that we started.  Whatever.  In study abroad class in college, they told us to get lost.  Mission accomplished.

After getting lost a couple more times and remembering how to use the metro, we visited the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal and then headed South to the catacombs.  Coolest place everywhere (and maybe a little creepy).

What I gather, from reading the signs in French (I tried not to read the English ones), there were a bunch of quarries beneath Paris that began collapsing in the 1800s, so they started adding pillars and rocks for stability.  Later, to prevent the spread of disease, they removed bones from the cemeteries and brought them down to the catacombs (lining all the walls and pillars with bones).  I might put up some pictures later (for now, you can google it).  If you've ever seen the Fr. Brown movie, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Some interesting facts about the French (from observation):
-They LOVE parks and gardens.  Other than bars, parks are THE place to hang out, especially if you're a teen/young adult or toddler.  Imagine, you and your friends after school, sitting by a famous fountain smoking a hookah---not kidding, they were out there doing it today :)

-This one should have been number one: French children are ADORABLE.  They toddle around saying cute things that I can actually understand.  And they all have scooters.  Chasing pigeons is also a well-loved pasttime :)

-Apparently Frenchmen love to sing when they are drunk.  Mary and I heard them outside last night--and if we hear them again, I'm totally recording it (it's hysterically funny to hear them all burst into song for about two lines, and then stop, only to pick up where they left off five minutes later).

-Scarves and jackets are soo in right now!  For everyone. Guys back home don't really wear scarves, except in the winter, so seeing all these men in suits with scarves was a little shocking.  In general, guys seem more well-dressed over here--or I should say, more particular about their appearance.  You don't really see even teenagers walking around with tee-shirts and ripped jeans hanging too low.  The women, too, are also dressed up nicely with jackets and scarves, but hardly any jeans.  I'm just glad I fit those two other jackets and extra scarves into my suitcase!


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bonjour France!

Yes!  I'm here!  I made it!

Can I speak French  My brain absolutely refuses to wake up, even though I think I got around 3 hours of sleep on the plane.  I'm still not sure what to do about the food situation--the airline food was terrible (leaving me feeling terrible) and it's lunchtime here, but almost breakfast back home... so I know I should eat something, but I don't feel together enough to go searching for something.

Customs and all the airport stuff was a breeze, the people here at the hotel are really nice--but according to the lady at reception, we were waaay overcharged for our taxi (though according to Rick Steves, it was just about right).

I'm just glad we got here in one piece!

Next on the agenda: food, phone, money, sleep!!!


Friday, September 14, 2012

Good-bye America!

Here I am, putting the last couple of things in my suitcases (which are, by now, stuffed to capacity).  Leaving this time is a little bit different than it was two years ago--I know I've procrastinated with the packing a bit more, and the process seems a little more hectic than it did the last time.

Fun story: I decided to sew a new dress to take with me.  I began on Monday.  Now, keep in mind that I had the entire summer to complete such a project, but I waited until the very last week to do it...not to mention that before I could sew this dress, I had to finish sewing another dress that I had started so I could change the thread in the serger :)

I finished the second dress yesterday (though not without some kind assistance from my mother!)  I never considered myself much of a seamstress, but I just made two dresses in the past seven days...not bad!

These past few weeks have brought me many things--long visits with friends, going away bonfires, and well wishes from complete strangers!

I'm almost reluctant to leave so many good people and wonderful friends, but I'm also terribly excited to be going to Europe again!  Mary and I have a ton of trips planned--so keep stopping by for some awesome stories and cool pictures!

Good-bye everyone!  The next time you hear from me, I'll be in la belle France!
